Shoot to Still_aNorange Collective


A picture of a man and a woman at the dinner table. A moment frozen in time with everything but the image itself left to the imagination. Through a play of timing, speed, repetition and alteration of details, aNorange collective brings to life a series of photographs creating a live, absurd photo album, aiming to trigger the personal imagination and associations of the audience.

Shoot to Still is based on research and sketches developed at their residency at Performing Arts Platform, Aarhus (DK) in fall 2018.



aNorange Collective is the artistic collaboration between choreographers Iris Boer (NL) and Sebastian Pickering (DK/CA).

Based on a common belief that an audience always create their own stories, associations and meanings throughout a performance, aNorange

Collective’s choreographic approach is based on the use of still images within contemporary dance and theatre. In fall 2018 the choreographic duo spent a month in Aarhus, Denmark finding methods for using photography for creating dance, resulting in an ongoing movement and artistic research, upon which their work so far has been based upon. Common elements in their work include absurdity, theatricality, a play between the storytelling and abstract movement, humour and strong visual aesthetics.